With the advent of the new year, it's only natural to make changes, start fresh, start projects, etc. The ATA is no different this year with the launch of our new logo! For more on this, here are a few words from Arwen Lynch, President of the ATA:

The new ATA logo search was launched nearly a year ago. We had fabulous designs from talented artists including Roxi Sim and Lisa Hunt. It was hard to choose between them but we went with Lisa Hunt.
Lisa took our "something that shows our community" and turned it into a clean, colorful logo that gives the sense of our connectedness to each other. The ATA is about education and camaraderie. We think this logo shares that and more.
What do you think? Did you know that soon you will be able to get this logo on a mug or a journal or even a t-shirt?
Lisa talks about her creative process in her latest blog entry. Check it out at:
There are some other exciting things in the works, too, so stay tuned… 2013 is going to be an exciting year!
Something else to be excited about is the announcement of the winner of the the December Contest:
Congratulations, Lynne Anderson of Salt Lake City, Utah!
We have another contest running this month, so don't forget to enter!