Welcome to a new quarterly addition to Tarot Reflections! We asked our major publishers if they would share their newest and upcoming releases.
Here is a quick look at what is up and coming for the first part of 2016!

Fall/Winter 2015- The Art and Science of Hand Reading.

Spring/Summer 2016 – Trace Journey of the Hunter-Gather
Llewellyn which houses Llewellyn, Blue Angel and Lo Scarabeo
Blue Angel:
Rumi Oracle by Alana Fairchild and Rassouli

Lo Scarabeo:
Silver Witchcraft Tarot Book by Barbara Moore and Franco Rivoli

Blue Angel:
Eternal Crystals Oracle by Jade Sky and Jane Marin
Lo Scarabeo:
Barbieri Tarot by Barbieri
Ceccoli Tarot Mini by Nicoletta Ceccoli
Tarot de Marseille by Jodorowsky


Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson and Eugene Smith
Blue Angel:

Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild and Jane Marin
The Faery Forest by Lucy Cavendish and Maxine Gadd

Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti Due: Dec 5
Mudras Deck/Book Set by Alison DeNicola and Sabina Espinet Due: Dec 23

Blue Bird Lenormand by Stuart Kaplan Due: December 23
Deviant Moon Tarot Book by Patrick Valenza Due: January 15, 2016
Chrysalis Tarot Book by Toney Brooks and Holly Sierra Due: January 15, 2016
Mystical Wisdom Card Deck by Gaye Guthrie and Josephine Wall Due: February 5, 2016
Submissions are from the publishing houses mentioned and used with permission. Clicking the publisher’s name above will take you to their website.