February 2008 Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes feature the images of the Buckland Romani Tarot. Copyright (c) 2008 Raymond Buckland/Lissanne Lake. 

ISBN 978-931942-62-1 78-card deck plus 240-page book. Special pre-publication price US $33.95 from www.galdepress.com.



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Tower (8 of Wands) 
Brace yourself for an accelerated month. Situations that have been at a standstill will suddenly begin to move, and quickly! Unfortunately, some of your plans may be disrupted in the process, but you should be able to improvise. The weekend of the 8th may present unexpected travel—be sure not to act hastily or something could go wrong. Also, those of you involved in a steamy love affair may finally realize that this is not what you want. No worries, there are more fish in the sea!



Empress (10 of Cups) 
An emotional situation will finally move into a more stable and positive place. Feelings that have been pushed aside or denied will likely burst open asking for a creative outlet. Your imagination is key for unlocking the doors of opportunity! Nurture yourself this month both physically and emotionally. Take a moment to enjoy the beauty of nature and the effect it has on you. Around the 12th, you are likely to receive very positive news about someone close to you. For those embroiled in heated family matters, let go of any animosity and forgive the issue. 



Justice (Page of Wands)
Your curiosity may reveal information that you were better off not knowing, and to your dismay, this could drastically challenge a certain situation. You are known for your strong principles and ability to see several angles at once, but you can also jump to conclusions. It would be wise to reserve judgment in the situation mentioned above, or you may accidentally step on your own toes. Valentine’s Day will be hot and steamy, and possibly tempestuous and argumentative if you’re not careful. Think before you speak, or you may offend the very person you love.



Death (Ace of Pentacles)
A change of tide bestows upon you a major financial gain or loss. Look at either event with a discerning eye because within the experience are seeds for future growth. Don’t be discouraged if an investment doesn’t pay off right away, and don’t be too optimistic if it does. This is only the beginning—there is more to come by the end of winter. The weekend of the 16th is a perfect time for thinning out and purging your possessions and recreating your environment. Clear the space for new energy!



Hierophant (4 of Wands)
Asking the right questions is very important in the search for meaning. It is your duty this month to find time to honor yourself, not in superficial, but in deep and meaningful ways. Have a dialogue with those inner voices to ask for guidance from your higher power, paying attention to where you are losing energy. The week of the 18th will bestow powerful revelations that offer the key to future success. Take what you learn and apply it to your most pressing situation. There is potential new growth for an old vision.



Hermit (10 of Swords)
The gift of wisdom comes only after a long process of soul searching. During any crisis you can choose to waste your energy fighting, or you can move to accept the challenges at hand. A minor dilemma may come up this month, pushing you to surrender something you have gained. Though the situation will not go as planned, you have the wisdom from past experiences to discover another option. The eclipse on the 20th is the bearer of challenging news—it would be best to give up any illusions of control in order to see what doors open for you. 



Strength (Queen of Cups)
You may feel a little uneasy this month as emotions you thought were under control begin to roar for attention. Do not reject this vulnerable side of yourself—allow it to express itself. There are valuable lessons in love and personal success when you acknowledge this. Someone may play the catalyst for igniting these impassioned feelings. Be open to what happens, even if it’s a little uncomfortable. The weekend of the 22nd will likely trigger old emotional wounds. If you disregard them, they may end up consuming you in ways beyond your control. 



Lovers (8 of Cups) 
Your heart may be heavy with the burden of loss or it may be full of blissful pleasure. Either way, you will need to make an important decision this month about your next step. If you have lost your inspiration, take a different path, for there is nothing more to gain in the situation. If you’ve recently been captivated with something or someone, take it to the next level of commitment or the spark will begin to dissipate. Around the 25th you will come to a fork in the road—choose your path wisely.



Chariot (Knight of Pentacles) 
Power struggles become an issue for you now, and though it appears outwardly directed, there are inward qualities that require adjustment. A stubborn force may be to blame for standing in your way of action—that stubborn force is you! Enough stewing over who did what; find the courage to confront your fears. At the end of the month you will be challenged in a way that asks you to step into the role of the hero. This is no time to delay—use your resources wisely, and be kind to your body!



Star (3 of Swords)
Your faith will be tested in a rather convoluted way as something or someone you least expect will betray you. On the surface, there is sorrow and frustration, but if you look deeper, you will find a glimmer of hope. Your desire for a more meaningful life requires that you sacrifice areas of established security. Now, whether you are ready or not, those sacrifices will be made for you. The beginning of the month ushers in the first of three tests; do not spend too much time grieving what is lost—pick up the pieces and move forward. 



Judgment (10 of Wands) 
After a long uphill battle you will begin to reap the rewards for your effort, but this is not a time to celebrate—it’s a time to get busy. Your life has been changed in a major way that now requires careful upkeep. You have the responsibility to recreate the vision you once held sacred. The Solar Eclipse on the 6th provides you with the perfect springboard for success. Do not hesitate or succumb to doubt for there is no better time than now. Forgive and release any anger; you are free from your past.



Magician (5 of Swords) 
You will need to figure out a crafty way to overcome a minor nuisance this month. There is really no way to win this one; instead, channel your efforts into something more productive. Be sure to avoid arguments and ignore antagonistic remarks. Co-workers may seem more annoying than usual, your boss more demanding, or your mate less attractive. In any case, beware that a seemingly insignificant situation could easily escalate into a full-blown war. The weekend of the 8th will likely present a heated discussion, so remain calm!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008 

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