By Melanie Harris
Well, it's February, and daily life has been infiltrated by a barrage of delicate doilies and fluffy pink hearts. Everywhere we look, we're bombarded with advertisements for ways to express our love for just $19.95 and up. It's enough to make even the mushiest romantic cringe. Valentine's Day need not induce nausea, however. Love should be celebrated everyday, with or without Hallmark, and true affection is far more powerful than commercialism. Just because Valentine's Day tends to be shallow doesn't mean that yours has to be that way. This month is an excellent time to get your own bit of romance going, or to delve deeper into an existing relationship. February is a time to celebrate the first stirrings of Spring and all that comes with it: freshness, rejuvenation, and opportunity. Here are some February Tarot activities to get your heart and your head moving in the right direction towards a fabulous Spring.