Tarot Fasting

By Allan Ritchie

Many cultures exercise a discipline of fasting. For Christians it is Easter and Lent. Lent is the forty-day period of fasting from a certain food or abstaining from some activity or hobby to illustrate a repentant heart and a greater devotion. For the Muslims there is the month of Ramadan where they abstain from food and drink for the daylight hours to show their devotion to Allah.

Fasting predominately refers to the abstinence from food or drink. I use a broader idea of fasting in my life to bring a greater personal focus by foregoing different things. In my craft with the Tarot, I am always looking for ways to examine my practice with new eyes. What in my Tarot practice can I fast from to enhance my experience with the cards? Here are some ideas how I can add fasting to my practice. 

Give up Tarot shopping. There are a number of venues where I search for the newest, greatest tarot deck. Amazon is the first stop and then the treasure trove of Ebay. Next it’s Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Etsy that are likely to devour my time and bank account. Depriving myself the search for new decks, I focus on those I own. Shopping only causes me to be restless. I always want more decks. Looking for a new deck means that I am neglecting the decks that I have in my collection. To commit myself to the use and study of those I have will pay more benefit than just the empty hours of browsing the internet.  

Give up my traditional spreads. I read the same spreads and patterns consistently. They are my trusted friends. I understand them and they speak to me but what if I took a break and only used new spreads? One aspect of fasting is to gain a new perspective. Looking over a new spread of cards can give me a new favorite spread. Using different spreads teaches me what doesn’t work and what is effective. Learning what doesn’t work is as valuable as knowing what does. When something doesn’t work then in examination I am able to understand what works in the spreads that I like.   

Give up that favorite deck. I have comfort decks. I have decks that will give the messages that I want. Like old friends they can be a sympathetic ear, these comfort decks are soft oversized cushions. I sink into their readings like my favorite napping couch. Tarot may be predictive but it shouldn’t necessarily be predictable. A different, new deck can expose a blind spot and the chance to round out my ability. The first time this worked for me was when I gave up my Waite-Smith decks and took up the Crowley deck system. Expanding your horizons may not seem like giving something up but it is the comfort zone I am abandoning. And this always something I need to leave every once and a while. 

Give up the Daily Draw. This hits home to me. I am an avid daily drawer. I normally have a deck or two that I am using and I will draw from them. Worse lately Tarot apps are downloading themselves and my fingers compel me to use each of them to pull a daily card. Only using a weekly or monthly reading would neglect looking at the small scale but see a broader picture of my life. Perspective is everything. 

Give up the Tarot all together. Burnout is very real thing. I have dealt with burnout in the past. I have learned it is prudent to plan time to set the deck down completely. Maybe it is to go outside and take a walk. Sometimes it is longer. Not forever just for a time. Vacations from things that I love enhance my appreciation for them. With the extra time I round out my life and ensure that everything exists in balance. 

Every discipline will only be as successful as it is intentional. If there is a gain to be earned from a Tarot fast it is a fuller understanding of what Tarot means in the life of the reader. Knowing when to take a break, an awareness of the essential and ensuring moderation in my life as a reader improve my ability and appreciation for the art and beauty of Tarot. 

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2015 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com