Here are some interesting things to look forward to!
Inner Traditions
Stone Medicine by Leslie J. Franks
Secret Medicines from Your Garden by Ellen Evert Hopman
The Union of Isis and Thoth by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
Spring/Summer 2016
Trace Journey of the Hunter-Gather by Nicolas E. Brink, Ph.D.
Llewellyn which houses Llewellyn, Blue Angel and Lo Scarabeo
Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson and Eugene Smith
Blue Angel:
Crystal Mandala Oracle by Alana Fairchild and Jane Marin
The Faery Forest by Lucy Cavendish and Maxine Gadd
Tarot - Unlocking the Arcana by Angelo Nasios
Shamanic Healing Oracle Cards by Michelle A. Motuzas
The WayCard Oracle by Martha Winona Travers
Dreaming Way Lenormand by Lynn Araujo with artwork by Kwon Shina
Namaste Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno
Rumi Cards by Alana Fairchild
Maybe Lenormand by Ryan Edward
Chrysalis Tarot Deck/Book Set by Toney Brooks and Holly Sierra
Other projects in production:
Fin de Siécle Kipper Deck by Ciro Marchetti
Fairy Tale Lenormand by Lisa Hunt and Arwen Lynch
Submissions are from the publishing houses mentioned and used with permission. Clicking the publisher’s name above will take you to their website.