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Tarot Reflections

  March 17, 2003

Meditation: Five of Swords
Michelle Swan, Tarot Reader

Michelle Swan is a Tarot Reader and actress from The Bronx, New York. She fell in love with Tarot cards about four years ago. Since that time, she has found that her personal and spiritual development has flourished with my Tarot studies.

"I greatly enjoy writing The Tarot Meditations and I hope you all enjoy reading them as well. Bright blessings to all!"

Michelle can be reached via email:

  Let us take deep breaths in and deep breaths out. Imagine the sound of twinkling bells that lull you into a state of peace. When you are ready, close your eyes. Let us begin.

You walk out into a thick mist. You can see only a few feet ahead of you. You feel the firmness of the ground underneath. You are a bit unsure of where you are; yet, you trust that everything is to be fine. As you take another step, you reach out to a shiny object. So bright that you must touch it, you pick it up and the mist mysteriously clears up.
You see it's a beautiful sword with the number 5 etched on its hilt. The sky remains overcast with a hint of sun peeking out. Your ears perk up at the sound of clashing swords. You follow the sound to an amazing sight. You see three identical versions of yourself with swords.

One version of you is knocked down on her/his feet with their sword a few feet away. Another you stand over the knocked down version with rage in her/his eyes brandishing a sword high in the air. The most chilling is the last version of your sitting off to the side laughing with two swords on her/his lap.

"Finish it!" says the one sitting.

The one with rage in her/his eyes is about to deliver the deathblow.

"NO!" you shout.

All three versions of you look at you. It is the laughing version of you that walks over to you. This version is the leader of the trio. The feelings of all of them come at you, as the laughing version walks to you. Anger, fear, sadness, guilt, rage, grief, hatred are all stirred up in a lethal stew.

"What do you have to say?' challenges the laughing version of you.

"Enough is enough. All of you put your swords down."

They all look at each other. You grab the sword from your laughing version's right hand. He/She looks astonished at you.

"I said put it down!" The power of your voice echoes in the sky.

All three lay down their swords on the ground; and, the knocked down version of you gets up. You hear the sound of ocean waves. You walk to the side of the hill and spy the aqua blue beneath. You pick and throw away each sword into the water. Until there is the last sword left with you. Then you finally throw that one over. One by one, all three versions of you walk into your body. You feel once again whole and quiet. All the shadow emotions fade into nothingness. You begin to walk down a small path to the blue waters. As you reach half way, you open your eyes to your reality.

Take time to reorient yourself back to this world. Reflect on what you have seen and felt with the Five of Swords. Remember its lessons in your own life.


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