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Tarot Reflections

  March 17, 2003

Book Review: Kraig's Tarot and Magic
Sheila Hall, CTM

Sheila Hall has been studying the Tarot for 16 years. She has just received her CTM certification and is currently working towards her CTI. Sheila is an ATA mentor, reading on both the Free Tarot and Free Reading Networks, and also serves on the ATA Education Committee. She lives in Tennessee with her husband and two sons.


Tarot & Magic is a book in Llewellyn's Special Topics In Tarot series. This informative guide teaches the aspects of combining Tarot and magic together to make positive changes in life that we so desire. In this book, Kraig uses four different decks, and illustrations are included from three of them throughout the book. The illustrations used are from:

"The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot" by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
"The Universal Tarot" by Roberto De Angelis
"The Thoth Tarot" by Aleister Crowley

The fourth deck is The Shadow Tarot by Linda Falorio. The illustrations of this deck are in the last chapter only. The author provides an explanation as to why he chose these decks. Although these decks are mentioned, the important thing is to work with a deck in which the symbology speaks to you.

Tarot and magic each can stand alone as self-empowering spiritual tools, but the strength felt when the two are combined is amazing. Working spells and rituals creates such a magical feeling. The sacredness that can be felt is very spiritual, much like being taken to another plane of existence that is far away from the stresses and doldrums of daily life.

The author discusses the importance of candles and color. He provides a list of color associations, associations for the astrological signs, and for the days of the week. He also guides you through dressing a candle with oil. Merely lighting a candle can have some effect, but strength can be added to your spell when you dress a candle.

Kraig explains about the preparations that need to be taken care of before rituals are worked. An example of an alter layout is provided as a guide for where the tools can be placed. He goes into the basics of Astral Projection, and pathworking. Pathworking allows you to reach other levels of the astral plane. The author discusses Kabbalistic pathworking, which is travelling on the paths of the Tree of Life. He offers a step-by-step quide and diagrams that can be used as maps. The maps allow you to see the placements of the cards. Kraig's comforting guidance and reassurances can explain away the fears that some people may have about astral projecting. His explanations answer some of the most common questions about this subject.

The chapter on Dancing the Tarot is informative and provides Tarotists with an additional way to enhance magical energy. He works with the concepts from a book that is out of print, entitled Llewellyn Practical Guide to the Magick of the Tarot by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips. Dancing the Tarot helps you to take a deeper approach to the guiding message the cards are relaying by acting out movements. Whether reading for yourself, or others, you get a sense of empowerment when the reading is finished.

The author includes a chapter on working Tarot cards as talismans. He explains the difference between talismans, amulets, and seals or sigils, and how strength can be added to talismans that have been charged, or imbued with magical energy. Today, talismans are viewed as an object that will bring a physical thing, while an amulet is used as a protective device to keep energies or qualities away. He provides a ritual to charge talismans, and gives suggestive examples of what cards can be used for certain purposes. He also includes examples on two methods of charging talismans.

The chapter on Tarot and Ceremonial Magic discusses vibrations, a form of energy. Kraig also includes explanations and correspondences for each Sephira on the Tree of Life. He provides steps for a banishing ritual which can be performed before and after working magic. I found the section in which he discusses raising and manipulating energy and the "cone of power" interesting. The author provides ideas on preparing for rituals with limited preparation, for those who may not be in a position to spend money on tools to work with, or who may not desire to work magic with elaborate objects.

Tarot and Sex Magic is the chapter where you can discover methods of working magic on a more intimate level. Sex Magic is the sensual way to generate and direct energy when performing a ritual. The section on Tarot Ecstasy provides a way to work with the Tarot to spice up the sex life. The author provides correspondences for the Major Arcana cards and how the cards can provide intimate ideas to explore. And, you don't have to use just the Majors to get ideas, as long as the Minor Arcana you chose to use has pictorial images.

When people are in relationships for a length of time, sexual interests can become dulled and decline. People may not feel the excitement or be drawn to each other like when they first met. Other people may have a fear of opening up and try new things. Married couples with children can have it even tougher. Tarot Ecstasy is a way to bring a playful excitement back into sex.

The last chapter, before a concluding section, where the "Shadow Tarot" cards are illustrated, touches on working with the shadow aspects of ourselves, the Tree of Life, and the "Tree of K'lipoht (also spelled Qlipoth)," which some believe is just below the Tree of Life, much like a mirror image. We try to focus on the good or positive aspects in ourselves, others, and situations that occur in life. Rarely do we want to look at or face the negative side. It can be dark and scary.

Much like Kraig, I feel that to truly understand and appreciate the positive or light side, the negative or dark side must also be understood. Discovering the shadow part of ourselves through our work with the Tarot is something that has recently come more out into the open, even though Tarotists have faced this in readings for a long time, when they examine attitudes and behaviors that can be creating obstacles or blockages. Even though this subject is touched on, the chapter includes interesting food for thought
and references for further study.

The end of each chapter provides questions and exercises to work. The questions can help you explore your personal thoughts or beliefs about the information you just read. The exercises get you started with simple steps in working magic. I believe this approach can help to set things in our minds and spirits, and show those who are beginning to find an interest in Tarot and magic a place to start.

I must admit this is the first book I have read by Donald Michael Kraig. Some of his other books are "Magical Diary," "Modern Magick," and "Modern Sex Magick." He writes in a comfortable style that is easy to understand. He also takes the time to explain what he is writing about. The book isn't just filled with spells. Rituals, and some variations of the rituals are included, and each one is clearly explained. The book also includes diagrams. Mostly, the book provides the foundation from which to build your magical work upon. I am going to have check out his other books, now.

After reading this book, I realize that I have left magic out of my life for a very long time. I have worked a few rituals beyond a cleansing or purification of my deck. I have felt the strength of energy when I have worked those few rituals. I do remember how working rituals felt like a magical escape. It was a place beyond daily life that felt magical, special, and very spiritual. I live in a society, as I'm sure that most do, where magick is considered evil, or of the Devil. The people who read Tarot cards or work magic keep everything under such a hush, that you would never know they do anything. My wish would be that the Shadow Tarot by Linda Falorio be easily available.

For those who do believe that magic is wicked or evil, reading this book can show you differently. "Tarot & Magic" provides basic information about working magic in a positive light. It shows how magic can provide you, and those you read for self-empowerment. When clients walk away from a reading, they want to take with them something. Be it a feeling, a plan of action, knowledge, or something else. "Tarot & Magic" can show you additional ways to give them something to take with them. We can go through life feeling like victims of circumstance, or we can gain some control over the circumstances. How we accept and react to these circumstances plays a very important role in how the situations evolve.

In this book, the author provides us with the information of how to work Tarot and magic together to gain some control and make positive changes for ourselves. He doesn't tell us what to do, but provides information we can use as a springboard to create our own spells and work our own magic. I like that. I have always believed that the rituals or spells we personalize and create for ourselves feel stronger than following someone else's work. "Tarot & Magic" is a guide that is packed with information showing how the two combined can help us make great changes in our life. The is also an active book to work through, and can be referred to often.

Now, off to create some magic...

Donald Michael Kraig's Tarot & Magic is published by Llewellyn, ISBN ISBN: 0-7387-0185-8.


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