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Tarot Reflections

  March 17, 2003

Wisdom Reading
James Wells

James Wells is a Toronto-based Tarot Consultant, Reiki Master, weaver of rituals, and workshop facilitator. His mission is to provide sacred space for soul work and constructive feedback so that all may enjoy insight and healing. He can be reached through his website.

  I've recently begun to read Gregg Levoy's glorious book, Callings. As many things do, it's inspired me to go to the cards and to come up with a tarot spread. For this one, I'm using Rachel Pollack's ravishing Shining Tribe Tarot. As this is a five-card spread, I'll be less verbally descriptive for the sake of room.

1) What is a calling?

10 OF TREES. A calling is the universe hitch-hiking a ride into our individual lives. It's a sense of rootedness in the centre of our being, a chance to bloom into our full maturity. A calling is an experience of the cosmos waving at us, flagging us down, as it were, to direct our attention to our unique "orbit" or path in the universal scheme of things.

2) What is the grand scheme of things?

5 OF BIRDS. An ongoing process of change in which the temporal must surrender to death in order to liberate the eternal. It is the constancy of change. Our circumstances shift and change. When we arrive at the place we think we'll arrive at, it too is changing.

3) Who/What calls us?

6 OF STONES. We call ourselves, through oracular knowing. Our openness to recognizing signs, patterns, and wonders in everyday objects and events, and knowing that these are energetically linked to that electric sense of who we really are is what calls us.

4) How can we know that these signs and "flaggings" are true?

7 OF STONES. If it is a true calling, our bodies become energized, prepared to birth something, ready to leap into action. There is an anticipatory feeling that enlivens us. This vitality is accompanied by a sense that we are watched over, protected, and supported.

5) What is the greatest calling of all?

4 OF STONES. To offer all that we are and all that we have to the Sacred, especially to offer ourselves and our experiences as a living temple, a gateway or portal to the Numinous, knowing that this offering lays a foundation for generations to come.

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