In This Issue

April is one of my busiest months. It seems to be one of those months which is always  laden with Ten of Wands energy. While the first opportunity to get outside and experience the nicer weather of the upcoming spring may have happened in March for many of us, April brings more stability; even if there is unstable weather, most likely the temperatures will be such that we have more confidence starting on our gardens and pursuing projects: kids in sports, school events, and preparations for the upcoming warm weather. For Americans, April includes Tax Day, which is the deadline for us to file our income taxes. On a brighter note, for readers, April also includes one of our premier Tarot-related events: the most awesome Readers Studio in New York, brought to us every year by the amazing Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone. 

Now for the announcement of the winner of the March contest!

Congratulations, Diana from the U.K.!

Diana's correct guess of the Lily Fairy from the Woodland Wisdom Oracle deck was selected randomly from all the correct entries. Be sure to enter this month's contest for a chance to win this month's prize!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at