
April 2020 TarotScopes

By Lalia Wilson

With April in this year of 2020, we have many people in the western hemisphere “social distancing” in order to avoid catching covid-19. Our readers in China are coming out of that period of isolation, but likely still wary of too much togetherness.

This month we have four oracle decks being used for the month’s scopes. This is a new technique for me. With the tarot, there are defined astrological correspondences for the cards, as well as a long history of interpretations for all 78 cards. Oracle cards are different. Each of these decks comes from its creator as a single birth, with the possible exception of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards (2014) which were followed up by The Chakra Wisdom Tarot in 2019. Another exception is the tradition of the Lenorman cards, one deck being featured here

The Fire signs are depicted by The Tree Angel Oracle (2020) by Fred Hageneder (Author), Anne Heng (Illustrator) and published by Earthdancer Books. (This deck is reviewed elsewhere in this issue of Tarot Reflections.) The Earth signs are shown by the Burning Serpent Oracle (2014) created by Rachel Pollack and illustrated by Robert M. Place, published by Hermes. The Burning Serpent Oracle is a Lenormand deck with added spiritual depth. The Air signs are represented by the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards (2001) from Doreen Virtue, published by Hay House. Water Signs are shown by the Chakra Wisdom Oracle by Tori Hartman, illustrated by Gretchen Raisch-Baskin, published by Watkins Publishing (June 17, 2014).

I choose various decks to illustrate each month’s drawings so as to show the versatility and variety of tarot, lenormand, or oracle cards to emphasize a particular season or sign, and because some are my favorites.


Aries Elm Tree Angel Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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The Elm Tree Angel:

Dear Aries, the elm tree angel calls us to deep communication with ourselves, with others, and with our higher selves. In particular, this month offers us the opportunity to connect with a deep wound that we have from earlier in our lives, something that we have concealed and have been reluctant to deal with. Remember that journaling, fiction-writing, memoirs, and art are all ways that you can process this early wound and let it go.


Taurus Lilies Burning Serpent O Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Taurus, you got the Lenormand sex card! Also this month finds your ruler, Venus, trine Mars. The middle of April is the hot spot for sexual harmony. If you are seeking a partner, the chances of finding one are high. If you are already in a committed relationship, this indicates some new positive changes in your sex life.


Gemini Streaking Free Fairies Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Breaking Free:

Dear Gemini, there is a lot going on in your dreams, in your intuition, and behind the scenes. Start thinking long-term to plan for big changes and new freedom to come. It could even be several years away, but the (inner) work has already started. Trust yourself.


Cancer Growth Chakra Wisdom Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Cancer, your card this month is growth, associated with the fourth chakra. The fourth chakra deals with love, and is also the connector between the first three chakras of the mundane concerns (health, sexuality, social prowess), and the next three chakras of a spiritual nature (speaking your truth, clairvoyance, and connection to the ultimate). “Growing” your connection between the mundane and the spiritual is a good thing. Although your process may seem unremarkable, big positive inner connections are happening.


Leo Linden Tree Angel Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Linden Tree Angel: 

Dear Leo, the Linden Tree Angel promotes fairness, justice and harmony. Your personal energy is improving over the month, but this angel calls on you to give your significant other a break. He or she has been in turmoil, and may have taken some of that out on you. Stand firm with your highest self and be magnanimous. Remember the wheels of karma are always turning.


Virgo Stork Burning Serpent O Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Virgo, the Stork reminds you that life has big changes, and relocations in store for you. Several scenarios are possible: you could be moving to join a new love, you could be moving or traveling because of your job, or you could be moving to be near your grandchildren. Give some thought to each of these as possible changes and invite the new change into your life.


Libra Peace of Mind Fairies Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Peace of Mind:

Dear Libra, you are pulled in two different ways this month. Your mood may be negative, gloomy, seeing the worst possibilities. However your mind can steer you in the right path. Exercise regularly. This is good for your health generally, but it especially lifts depression. Even if you are house-bound, there are online exercise videos and exercise instruction, or just put on some music and dance—and do this every time your mood sinks!


Scorpio Destiny Chakra Wisdom Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Scorpio, what better card for the deeply emotional Scorpio? You are deep as the deepest ocean, yet your surface affect may seem run-of-the-mill, a deceptive calm sea. This month finds you in a deeply philosophical vein pondering life and death, the meaning of life, and other matters of ultimate importance. Now is the time for these contemplations.


Sagittarius Ash Tree Angel Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Ash Tree Angel:

Dear Sagittarius, the Ash Tree Angel reminds us that through practice and persistence we achieve mastery. Now is the time to review your prior endeavors and to focus on what most appeals to your higher self. Having done that, commit yourself to sustained practice so that mastery is yours.


Capricorn Mountain Burning Serpent O Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Capricorn, normally the Mountain card is a bad card in the Lenormand deck, indicating obstacles in your path. But as a Capricorn, your symbol is the mountain goat, you love to climb mountains, they are your natural habitat. This month notice that people are admiring you because under otherwise difficult circumstances, you are thriving!


Aquarius Honoring Feelings Fairies Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Honoring Feelings:

Dear Aquarius, usually you are more in your head than listening to your feelings. You hate being emotional. But, guess what? Your emotions make many decisions for you. The key to being a more capable and competent person is knowing what your feelings are and giving them a seat at the decision-making table. Otherwise they will hijack the whole process.


Pisces Recovery Chakra Wisdom Oracle Apr 20200227 0001

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Dear Pisces, nothing like an international health crisis to separate you from the world and ask you to see the big picture. Social isolation will certainly stop many from acquiring illegal drugs. Closing the bars will stop many from social drinking, or perhaps any drinking. Now is a time to see what life is like without “a little help from your friends.”

You can use these Tarot Scopes to read your Sun sign, Moon sign or Rising Sign (also called your Ascendant). You can determine these by using free or low cost apps, or internet sites, and inputting your time, date and place of birth. The Rising sign indicates your entire life; the Sun sign is about your ego and creative forces, and the Moon sign is about your reigning needs, emotions, and flexibility.

 The tarot cards used as illustrations for this column are ones that I or the editor, Terri Clement, admire and want to share with you. Note that decks have subtle differences of meaning as they are reinterpreted by a new creator/artist, and, of course, the tarot reader. Enjoy that flexibility of meaning and the artwork of these various decks. Reading articles with illustrations like these will help you determine the tarot decks that most fit you. If you get bored seeing my favorites, I’m open to suggestions and gifts.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - ©2020 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com