The Making of a Journal

By Tabitha Chamberlain

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We have added in the Journal exercise to Tarot Reflections a few months ago, but we didn't get into journals themselves. There a few books on the subject, but not enough to actually be helpful. Mostly, because journaling is a personal thing. It is up to each one of us to choose what we wish to journal about, how we want to do it, to even the type of pen and journal we wish to use.

It is the journal that I want to talk about. There is of course several options on what is the best thing to use for journaling. You may need to try a few of them out to get a feel of what works best for you. You can also decorate the covers and inside covers to make them more personal to you.

Types of Journals:

Computer File Journal- The benefits to this type of journal you can go back and add to it, you can also add photos to the files of the reading. Can add password so only you can access it. Downside is the fact if your computer crashes without backing up or printing out these pages all of that work is lost.

Notebook-This is probably the easy one to use, as just walk into any store and grab a couple of notebooks for super cheap especially during Back To School sales. Easy to get, always ready, pages tear out. Downsides is the pages are thin, meaning you need to pay attention to what you write with, spirals get nasty after a while. Flimsy cover, and pages tear out. Privacy issues as well.

Composition Book- Similar in style in to basic notebooks they are a little thicker in pages and covers. Again they are super cheap and always ready. They do have the same downside as the basic notebook with the added problem of less space to write in. These would be a good choice if you want to focus on specific ideas: if you're working solely with the Court.

Journals- There is diary, tarot, and daily journals out there. Truly how and what you choose to write in them are up to you. They are heavier stock pages making it easier to make notes that you wish without worry of bled over. The outside covers are both heavier. Downsides are the fact they can get expensive especially if you wish to buy one of the thicker journals to keep everything in.

3-Ring Binders-While I use all types of journals, I find that for studying and developing my own tarot experience this to be the most useful. Admittedly you have the same issues that you have with notebooks/comp books with thin pages and pages tearing out if not careful, along with lack of privacy. It does however have a great deal more flexibility. As you can section it off as you see fit with tab dividers and add more notebook paper or printouts of everything you want.

Scrapbook- Admittedly I've never seen this done, but for the creative types I do believe this has potential to make an awesome journal. It will get expensive, but would be uniquely yours. What it lacks in privacy would make up in a beautiful display of tarot knowledge. As you can add photos, flowers, feathers, stickers, write in it, the possibilities are endless here as to what tarot cards mean and symbolize to you.

Journal Sections:

Don't feel you need to add all of these or any of these, but those that are just starting out these would be a good idea to help you stay focused. The last two items you could choose to keep in their own books:

Cards- Create a sections for just each individual card. Title the top of it, write down your own keyword meanings. Write down some of the first things you feel when seeing this card. One page for basic information and a blank page or two for any other impressions you get over time. It is important to make note of the deck that gives you these impressions. IE: The Fool from the Quest deck makes me feel high and free.

Other basic information to write down are numerology, element and astrology assignment. You may not use any of these things while reading, it's a good idea to at least have reference. Especially if you start working with a deck that has a strong base in any of these things. Kabbalah assignment isn't as important as almost no one uses it, for those interested in it I suggest you add it to here.

Symbols- Write down list of symbols that you see in the cards and what they mean to you. You can use a dream symbol book or tarot symbol book to help if you don't have a direct connection with certain symbols. Go with your gut feeling first though. The Dove generally means peace for most people, but if for you it means something entirely different use that in this sections. This is for your use.

Exercises- A sections dedicated solely to any exercises you do, from us here at Tarot Reflections to those that you find in other books, or to the ones that you make up on your own. This is the place to keep all of these. Title the page with what the exercises is and where you found it at in case you need or what to review it again. Also add the date.

Journals- If you do a daily reading or mediation put them all in this sections. This keeps you from hunting all over the place for some random thought or idea that you had from two years ago. If it is an huge epiphany you may want to add it into the Card sections of your journal.

Readings- This is where all of your readings are going to go. Keep your daily draws in your Journal, but full readings for yourself, others, pets, or any other type should go here.

I truly believe that taroting is a never ending experience that leaves us always wanting to know more. Occasionally it will bring us full circle on things we once learned, but forgotten. Journaling is a good way to keep this information all in one place.

If you have any suggestions for types of journals, sections, or even exercises please drop them in the comment box or send them to us here at Tarot Reflections.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2016  Questions? Comments? Contact us at