June's Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes features the Golden Tarot by Kat Black, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., and available on their website and through fine Tarot sellers everywhere.  It is a stunning deck with gilded edges that I use for public readings as it has GREAT "curb appeal."  Be sure to check out Kat's latest deck, the equally stunning Touchstone Tarot published by Kunati and also widely available. -- Sheri


Empress (Knight of Wands) 

Creativity is the key factor in life, for we are, at our core, creative beings. Everything we do is an act of imagination. Don’t get too caught up in your routines lest you forget that life is exciting and adventurous. You are a naturally restless spirit and require a variety of experiences, and, although at times stimulation may seem unavailable, there is a surplus of untapped potential awaiting you. This is a great time to enhance your current projects by allowing yourself to fully engage in the wonder of life.


Devil (3 of Cups)

Attachment is one of our greatest adversaries because the temptation to abandon our truth is always present. What begins as a connection can easily turn into an addiction. Happiness is frequently the drug of choice, at the expense of avoiding real life to continue in bliss. Emotions, like water, are meant to flow; if you cling to one feeling too long, you may drown in superficiality. Your shadowy parts need extra attention. Learn to embrace your emotions without labeling them. If you focus with an open heart, you will deepen your reservoir of emotion and require fewer stimuli for pleasure.


Strength (4 of Pentacles) 

In your attempt to establish yourself in the world, you’ve depended upon the strength of your character to survive. It’s time to bring forward and utilize some less-refined qualities. You are a fusion of many different aspects, none of which is wholly good or bad. However, choosing to adopt one over the others banishes important parts of yourself. Maintaining the status quo may be important, but it can easily breed complacency and deprive you of a dynamic life. Loosen your hold and give in a bit to the pressure – at least then you can mindfully unleash some pent up passion.


Magician (Knight of Cups) 

If we could track our countless thoughts, we would be amazed at the multitude of realities we’ve created, for each idea is existence in the making. The greater the emotion behind that thought, the more force is given to its delivery, purposefully or not. When you align your conscious desires with heartfelt emotions, you are capable of moving mountains. Practice focusing your energy on something you are emotionally invested in. Be sure to concentrate on what you want, not what you fear, and then take notice of the coincidences that begin to occur.   


Death (2 of Cups) 

Have you ever noticed that when you change, the people around you also change, sometimes even literally? Old relationships tend to drop away and new ones replace them. The people in your life reflect an important component of who you are, and who you are becoming. As you own the qualities you see in others, it is common to let go of these acquaintances and look for higher reflections. Currently you are experiencing a transitional phase that will affect your relationships. You can expect an influx of new people, the discarding of present relationships, or a deepening of intensity in intimate ones.


Temperance (7 of Pentacles) 

Patience is acquired when you respect the natural progression of time, as all things come into being in their appropriate season. Through the awareness of cycles, it is possible to discover the perfect time for progress or retreat. If you push too hard in any one direction, you will interrupt this delicate balance and lose momentum. A project you’re currently working on which may seem delayed is actually just waiting to be creatively refined. Stay open-minded and see what happens. You may discover that something you threw out last month is actually the missing ingredient. 


Emperor (Page of Wands) 

The demands and practicalities of life can sometimes feel limiting and redundant, especially when we take ourselves too seriously. As children, we often could not wait to grow up and as adults, we frequently long for the bliss of youth. It is the balancing of these opposites that becomes the dance of life. Become motivated by your imagination, then work to capture this force and make it real. This power requires the fusion of both your mature and youthful parts. Life is only as fun as you make it! Parents, spend time playing with your kids – a gift for both of you.


Tower (Ace of Wands) 

Inspiration usually summons us to awaken and claim our power, yet in doing so we must often sacrifice some form of our existing establishment or treasured idea. The source of this insight can flash through your soul and demand that you act directly; to delay is only to postpone the inevitable. You will be struck with a life-altering vision that can potentially redefine who you are. Challenging as it may be, you will be grateful in the long run. Allow for this reorganization of energy and trust that you are strong enough to channel it. 


World (3 of Swords) 

As humans, we are so concerned with the end. Either abhorring the idea or becoming obsessed with the results, neither of which allows us to see the emergence of something new. Your mind is notorious for habitually creating scenarios that leave you unfulfilled or anxious; be wise to restore some peace of mind, but do not neglect the most natural process of life, completion. You have realized that an aspect of your life is over and yet you refuse to let it expire. Feel what you may, but do not waste another day! 


Judgment (King of Swords) 

As we journey through self-improvement, we often analyze and refine ourselves by a means of evaluation. If done consciously, this process can be very productive; however, it can also be self-defeating if you’re not clear about your intentions. Becoming masterful means accepting responsibility for your own evasions – not what’s considered morally wrong, but what you know in your heart to be dishonorable. Only you can judge your actions, and only you are accountable for their outcome. Are you living in accordance with what you deem righteous? Your answer is an appraisal of who you are.


High Priestess (9 of Cups) 

In the depths of our being there is but one true desire – to evolve. Unfortunately, this is tainted by many excessive, superficial needs, which cause meaninglessness to creep in and sabotage life. As you wish to obtain the ideal, you ignore our own treasure. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, not vice versa. Turn within and ask yourself what you truly need. It will be given, and you will grow because of it. Do not be fooled by worldly trappings, for they can only provide momentary satisfaction. No thing can help you escape the voice within.


Chariot (6 of Cups) 

Emotions are powerful forces that seem to control much of our behavior, and we are funny creatures who seem to aimlessly follow their direction. One of your greatest strengths is your ability to respond consciously in situations, rather than reacting like a wild animal. It’s through this momentum that life can be directed. Something or someone from your past will be revisited in a way that presents an opportunity for healing and success. You have the potential to re-create a different outcome; however, to do so, you must act from a place of awareness. 

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Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (c) 2009
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