June Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Empress (3 of Swords) 

As challenging as it seems, you must free yourself from a toxic situation. All your good intentions have morphed into daggers of desperation and there’s nothing to gain from staying. Acknowledge your pain and relieve yourself of this burden. The weekend of the 7th will bring a confrontation that is long overdue. Your family will be involved in this struggle, so prepare to go somewhere else for support. Marital problems pushed under the rug will have severe consequences in the future, so address the issues now and work to resolve them. It’s also a good time to face health-related problems like addiction.

Images are from the Hexen 2.0 Tarot by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.



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Tower (Knight of Cups) 

As you become more intimate with your true self, you begin to develop more compassion for yourself and others. You understand how your sense of self-importance has stood in the way of deeper connections to life. Once you accept what is, you’re not afraid to see things as they are, and not ashamed to express your truth. This month, emotionally charged experiences will catalyze this authenticity. In every moment there is the opportunity to expand beyond your comfort zone. However, sometimes the existing structure must crumble to make room for the new. Reach for help and you will be supported.

Images are from the Golden Tarot of Klimt featuring artwork of A. A. Atanassov and published by Lo Scarabeo.



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World (6 of Cups) 

This month finds you feeling nostalgic and sentimental. Take time to express your feelings to those you care about; someone close really needs your attention. Family matters are more important than usual and should be one of your top-three priorities. Make goals that support your vision of what a family could be. Look for ways to gently heal a painful wound from childhood that reappears in your life. Don’t be afraid to ask for extra support. Around the 13th, a sibling relationship takes on a new twist and, as a result, you become closer and more honest about mutual feelings. 

Images are from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi with illustrations by Kwon Shina and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Devil (5 of Swords) 

Challenge and struggle are perhaps the greatest deterrent to success. Don’t back down in the face of opposition or, even worse, blame others for your own misuse of power. An area in your life has you stretched beyond your integrity and, in your plight, you’ve ignored the fact that you don’t have to fight for what is rightfully yours. Peace and acceptance are much more powerful allies than brute strength or even intellectual wit. Do not be ashamed to give up – losing the battle doesn’t mean you lose the lesson. The 23rd presents a temptation worth resisting – watch out!

Images are from the Templar Tarot by Allen Chester with booklet by Daria Kelleher and published by Inspire by Design.



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Chariot (Ace of Swords) 

Although conflicts are a natural part of life, it’s how you manage them that decides if you do, or do not, overcome them. You will be faced with a challenge that requires your fullest attention; if you react without focus, you will fail. Be mindful, not cunning, nothing positive comes from proving your point. Feelings of frustration will likely arise, but like a skillful charioteer, you must direct your impulses wisely and without ego. Around the 3rd, your patience will be tested when unfinished business from last fall turns up unexpected consequences. Handle this maturely and all should be fine. 

Images are from the Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot created by The Church of Light.



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Hanged Man (4 of Swords) 

Feeling caught in a place of constriction without the ability to move or even think straight? It’s essential to give up or surrender to the experience in order to revise your outlook. The lesson is to learn how to change your perspective and detach from the ego. Although things seem difficult, this is part of the path.  Practicing patience leaves you open to insights, which will free your mind and end the struggle. Let go of the past to make way for new enlightenment. Around the 19th, you’ll encounter a bewildering situation – do the opposite of what’s expected.  

Images are from the Inner Realms Tarot by Saleire and published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.



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Fool (Queen of Swords) 

Expectations are a natural part of starting out on a new journey, but they can also fence you in before you even begin. No amount of planning will prepare you for the surprising twist this month. Around the 5th, a scent of adventure may lure you off your beaten path. Equipped with nothing more than your sharp wit, you’ll do fine taking this detour. Don’t hold too tightly to your assumptions, or they will cause more strife than you can handle. It would be wise to avoid arguing with female authority figures unless you are armed with facts and figures.

Images are from the Hexen 2.0 Tarot by Suzanne Treister and published by Black Dog Publishing.



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Death (2 of Wands) 

There’s potential to move forward; however, something must be relinquished in order to obtain this. It’s imperative you realize how circumstances and behaviors are holding you back.  This will require you to break routines, stretch beyond your comfort zone, and face your fears. You cannot stop the inevitable, and, as transformation begins, your identity will succumb to the consequences. Behind every ending is another start.  Once the past is put behind you, there’s room for something greater. The weekend of the 21st marks the threshold for this change. Rather than fight against the current, use this period to launch new ideas.

Images are from the Golden Tarot of Klimt featuring artwork of A. A. Atanassov and published by Lo Scarabeo.



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High Priestess (4 of Cups) 

While emotional intensity is strong this month, your first instinct may be to hide. Should you try, you will only fall deeper into overwhelm. The purpose of these feelings is to rescue you from a recent bout of apathy. Avoiding the emotion keeps you from receiving the essential message. Be still and listen.  At the very least, observe the currents of your emotions. Don’t be afraid to submerge yourself in the depths. You may be surprised to find that your internal resources are much stronger than the external circumstances. The Full Moon on the 23rd begets a mystery.

Images are from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi with illustrations by Kwon Shina and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Temperance (9 of Pentacles) 

You are the Alchemist this month. Recognizing the causal relation between people and situations that appear contrary or that seem arbitrary or confusing to others gives you the power to see how all things are interrelated. Use this knowledge to review your own life and explore unresolved emotions. Find the correlation from the past to synthesize the present, creating a new emotional perspective from which to assess the situation. You have the opportunity to combine the energy of thought and feeling in order to generate harmony and self-healing. The New Moon on the 8th could bring a lucrative business deal.

Images are from the Templar Tarot by Allen Chester with booklet by Daria Kelleher and published by Inspire by Design.



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Sun (7 of Swords) 

The clouds of doubt begin to clear as you glimpse a shimmer of happiness. Allow this to radiate through your being and burn away excess stress. Life should begin to look brighter. That’s not to say that your problem will magically disappear, but you will begin to understand and accept the deeper meaning of what’s been happening. Issues from the past must be let go of – especially if you want peace and contentment. This release requires forgiveness of others and yourself. So let your optimism shine through and lead you out of the dark, into a new day.

Images are from the Brotherhood of Light Egyptian Tarot created by The Church of Light.



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Star (Page of Cups) 

A vague feeling of disenchantment lifts this month, as a refreshed sense of faith and purpose wash over you like holy water. Around the 14th, the light of clarity evaporates your doubts, restoring motivation and self-confidence. A recent test of faith has brought you closer to your own source. As you honor a deeper relationship to this power, you honor your truth. Be open to feelings as they arise and allow them space to move through you without attaching a value. Truth and purpose are fluid; they take the shape of what contains them. Your mind and heart are vessels, so be wise and keep them clean.

Images are from the Inner Realms Tarot by Saleire and published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2013 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com