By Errol McLendon, CTGM
The ATA Mentoring Program is available to all ATA members at no additional charge. Even with the internet resources, it is sometimes a daunting task finding an answer to a specific question. A mentor is there to help you find the answer. A mentor can give you guidance on what to study or how to read, but they are not expected to develop a curriculum for you. Many of our mentors make their living teaching either in person or over the internet. We are not asking them to volunteer their time to teach you in a formal format, unless that is what they offer to do. Our ATA Correspondence Course offers exercises which can be sent to your mentor for assessment. If you request a mentor, you will be sent their name and email address and then it is up to the two of you to determine what mentoring means to you.
If anyone is interested in being assigned a mentor, please contact me at Be aware that this mentoring program is totally separate from the Free Reading Network and the Free Tarot Network. You can have a mentor on both of those networks and still request a mentor here for your general Tarot studies. If you would like to be a mentor, send me a brief description of your background and how many students you would be willing to mentor.