A Blessing and a Mantra

By Cheryl Ann Gardiner

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A Blessing and a Mantra to be said during a Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand or Angel  reading: 

The definition of a mantra is: a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated by someone who is praying or meditating — mantra in a sentence.


This Mantra is an excellent Mantra to repeat after saying a prayer and/or blessing, during a reading.  After cleansing my cards (which is another subject in itself – I will be presenting in another article), I usually say each while shuffling my cards.

 A Blessing such as: 

“I dedicate this deck to the development of my intuition so that I may be a source of guidance to myself and others.”

Followed by:

One of the favorite Mantras I have created:








NOTE:  I DO REPEAT EACH OF THESE AT LEAST 3X BEFORE ASKING MY QUESTION IN A READING. Do what’s comfortable for you and feels right. Say it out loud or to yourself.

TRY WRITING A MANTRA ON YOUR OWN!:  It is a fun way to connect to the Divine and your Highest Good! I have a this section in both my Tarot Journal and Charmed Book of Enlightenment. (Another name I use for my BOS – (Book of Shadows.) 

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2017  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com