By Terri Clement
Using the Oracle of the DragonFae by Lucy Cavendish
This week here in the Pacific Northwest we’ve just experienced our warmest day of the year. This just happened to coincide with SeaFair, which is Seattle’s summer festival and hydroplane races. It was a spectacular sight that was enjoyed by many. However, I am sure that there are many that also suffered from major sunburns and probable heat exhaustion, as we are not used to that kind of heat… This reminds me to remind you to check on your neighbors when it’s hot and double up on the water for your outside critters.
Let’s take a look and see what our Fae friends have to offer up for the month of August.

First and foremost they want you to care for each other. Surround yourself with great people. Love them deeply. Be sure to let those people know that you care for them. Don’t assume that they know how much you care. This is especially important for the first two weeks of the month.
This is also a good time to tend to your house plants and garden. Do your plants need a little extra boost now? Check the houseplants and see if they need to be transplanted into a bigger pot and put out a little extra food for those outside plants.
This is truly a time to nurture what you want to grow…
The latter part of the month it’s time to retreat within. Pay attention to what is going on around you, but don’t feel that you need to jump in and fix things. This is a time for you to observe and learn, not guide and teach.
This is also a time to keep your lessons to yourself. Just because you have had to work hard to learn a life lesson this is a time just to be peaceful and keep things within. Remember, other people need to go through their own lessons. Allow them to do so.

A nice stone to wear or carry this month is the Emerald.
This is the “stone of successful love.” It brings in loyalty and opens up the door for domestic bliss. This stone also promotes friendship and helps keep partnerships in balance.
The Emerald also enhances psychic abilities and stimulates the use of greater mental capacity.
This stone can help treat disorders of the heart, lungs, spine and muscular system. It helps sinuses, sooths eyes and can help improve vision. It can also have a detoxifying effect on the liver.
As always, I hope you find that this message from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month! Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!
See you again, next month and keep the faith!