
August 2016 TarotScopes
By Lalia Wilson

Whew, July has been hot climatically and socially and politically. Let’s see if August gets any cooler. Actually, it will for some of us! Read on to see what’s in store for you. The methodology used is a combination of tarot, astrology, and intuition to do these readings. If you know your Moon sign and your rising sign, read them in addition to your Sun sign. Enjoy the end of this summer’s pleasures. 


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The World and the Page of Swords:

If you have a court case or other legal matter it is likely to be settled in your favor this month. Legal affairs are good for you now. There are forces outside your control which have seemed to toss you around, but now they are working in your favor. Should you go on a long trip it is likely for job-related reasons. Any long term matters, whether education or athletic or health-related, are soon to work out in your favor if you have put in the time. That exercise program, the degree program, or the new diet will turn out well for you if you have been diligent in following the program! Any book learning will come in handy this month, as whatever you were investigating is needed now.

Images from Magic Manga Tarot by Viviane published by AGM Urania.


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The Lovers and the Page of Cups:

Let's talk summer romance, love, fun… Taurus you are the winner in the Love and Romance Sweepstakes this month. It looks like love and money are good, life is joyful, and the fields, livestock, and family are fertile. It is a time for celebrations. You will have fun each day, outside when it’s possible, and inside when necessary; fun each evening on the patio by the pool. Everything looks rosy. This is a time to indulge in the little pleasures of life: massage, manicures, some pretty clothes or new jewelry. Take advantage of the good stuff, Taurus, you just have to look at the other signs to see that the good stuff is transitory.

Images from Victorian Romantic Tarot by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov published by Magic Realist Press.


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The Devil and the Ace of Swords:

You are getting a strong imperative to travel abroad, or to deal with foreigners at home. You could literally see aliens (foreigners) as "The Devil." However, this is not the best use of the energy available to you this month, Gemini. You can also see pragmatic ways to help international commerce and international relations. Indeed, you are brimming with new ideas that are as clever as you are. Let your good angels prevail. As I'm also reminding your Virgo friends, at the end of the month, August 30th, Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. Get your life organized by then so that you can cope with the unexpected next month.

Images from Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


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The Magician and the Six of Cups:

Are you still at the beach, Cancer? If not physically, psychologically? Something that has been stalled about a work or health project is now a go. This could involve traveling for work or for health-related matters. The month is full of potential, yet part of you is either literally on vacation or still on vacation. How can you use the good energy for progress? Think about it in between bouts of nostalgia and remembrance of the good old days. Some health issue will profit from immediate attention.  

Images from Golden Botticelli Tarot by Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov published by Lo Scarabeo.


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Justice and the Ten of Wands:

You have Justice for the second month is a row, dear Leo. This is legal matters, which we hope will be resolved in your favor. You are surely feeling over-burdened and over-heated. In between the hot weather for us in the Northern Hemisphere and lots of work for you—do you have a boss who is erratic?—you have reached your limit. You wish it was vacation time, but no. You are going to have to deal with others’ eyes on you, checking to see if you are doing what you’re supposed to, as well as a bunch of work, and, not to be crazy, but someone at the top who keeps changing priorities as you meet your deadlines. You can sail through this if you keep your calm and know that it is temporary.

Images from Magic Manga Tarot by Viviane published by AGM Urania.


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The Wheel of Fortune and the Ace of Pentacles:

You have the Wheel of Fortune back for a second month, Virgo. Are you buying your lottery tickets? Planning a trip to Reno or Atlantic City? With the Ace of Disks you see possibilities that are new, but likely to be worthwhile for you. Take advantage of the opportunities that you see. Some unexpected money is likely to show up this month. More money will be coming later in the year. There is an indication of a reward, is there something you’ve done recently that is meritorious? A reminder for you and your Gemini buddies, at the end of the month, August 30th, Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. Get your life organized by then so that you can cope with the unexpected next month.

Images from Victorian Romantic Tarot by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov published by Magic Realist Press.


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The Fool and the Five of Wands:

Your best advice this month, Libra, is to be open to new experiences, like the Fool. Unfortunately, it may be your significant other who is acting the Fool, and you being the accommodating person who has to deal with it. The Five of Wands is disagreements, some heated. You can use this energy in arts and crafts to your good, Libra. Again, the best advice is to play with the Fool archetype. Keep listening to the Beatles song “The Fool on the Hill,” and flow with the energy. You’ve been good and put your own needs aside too long. Let your Fool out! Maybe the SO or family can work their way around to making your life a bit easier.

Images from Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


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Hierophant and the Eight of Cups:

Are you ending a long-term relationship, Scorpio? You seem to be walking away from something, and relationships are on your mind. More than most, Scorpio can be prone to black versus white thinking. In actuality, most things are shades of gray. Here, you may be in the breakup phase of a relationship and seeing the whole world in polarization: me and mine, versus you and yours. You might also expand this to the world of politics, seeing the situation as everyone on the extremes and not the reality of most people being in the middle. Even if you’re not ending a relationship right now, Scorpio, you will likely be separated because of travel, if for no other reason.

Images from Golden Botticelli Tarot by Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov published by Lo Scarabeo.


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The Hanging Man and the Knight of Swords:

This combination is like driving with one foot on the gas pedal and one on the brake. Part of you needs to slow down. Maybe you are recuperating from an accident, illness or surgery. Another part of you wants to take action. Luckily, you are able to take action through speech, music, video or print. Use the energy of the Knight of Swords to make your input known. Honor some low-vitality this month. Let your body get some needed rest. As the weather moderates in September, you can expect to be more active in the “real” world.

Images from Magic Manga Tarot by Viviane published by AGM Urania.


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Death and the Knight of Pentacles: 

You are finishing up a L-O-N-G project, Capricorn, and ready for a trip to somewhere refreshing and different from the recent grind. Let’s see if the Universe will okay that plan. There is something that is demanding a transformation. The project is finishing and something is dying. Thus, whether you travel or stay at home base, you are going to have to move psychologically into new space. This long project has been slow going. Now the wheels are starting to move and life is accelerating for you. You’ve also been a bit isolated, and that is going to change as well. Accept and be open to the changes, Capricorn! 

Images from Victorian Romantic Tarot by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov published by Magic Realist Press.


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Temperance and the King of Pentacles:

All those things you have bided your time over, and practiced in moderation, are now yours for the rewards you've earned. Could it be a promotion or public acknowledgment? Have you completed a degree? Written a book? You are more practical and mature and wise than normal, Aquarius. You are going to save for a rainy day, and put aside assets for when you might need them in the future. You are also successful enough to be giving advice to others. If you're looking for love, don't overlook the man with the money! He's likely to reciprocate your interest.

Images from Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


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Temperance and the Three of Swords:

You are back from vacation and it looks like there was a bad end to a summer romance. Temperance reminds us to live moderately, to spend less than we earn, to eat less than our appetite might like, and to generally be prudent and take the middle road between justice and mercy. Astrologically Justice is associated with Saturn (though tarot’s Justice card is associated with Libra) and Mercy is associated with Jupiter. We are to take the middle road, to not be too hard on ourselves, nor too indulgent. Both possibilities lie awaiting us as we look at the Three of Swords. We’ve been stabbed in the heart! Forgive yourself and stay away from drugs and alcohol—two Pisces pitfalls.

Images from Golden Botticelli Tarot by Atanas Alexandrov Atanassov published by Lo Scarabeo.

Notes on the process and August: I used four different decks and all were randomized before drawing cards…  The draw included two Temperance cards, which was the only repeated card. The suits were divided evenly. But there were two Aces, two Pages, and two Knights, even though these were not of the same suit.

 This implies some things about August as a whole. Being Temperate, being moderate, being neutral may be the strategy of the month. The Knights urge us to take action; the Pages ask us to learn some things, and the Aces give us a new enthusiasm for future work and projects. Let us all live up to our better nature!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2016  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com