October Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Temperance (7 of Wands) 

Contrary as it may seem, peace of mind must sometimes be fought for. It’s the meaning of the fight that matters though. Fighting an opponent will not beget peace because it only bolsters a false sense of righteousness or pseudo peace that is still at the expense of the other. Fighting your own impulses however, is a step in the direction of self-mastery. The absurdity of arrogance is no worse than self- criticism because each moves you further from acceptance. You must temper your judgments and pride with compassion; restrain your opinions and listen with your heart; and fight the urge to be lazy and insincere. You’ll find yourself in the position to apologize this month. Make amends to those you hold resentments towards, relinquish your anger and set yourself free. Only fight to defend your peace of mind – look in the mirror and confront your opponent.     

Images from Kabbalistic Visions: The Marini-Scapini Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapini published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 



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Wheel of Fortune (King of Wands)

You are the master of your destiny – what you give your attention to grows to become your reality. There’s nothing magical about this. Look around: what you see is the result of the choices you made in the past. Are you satisfied? The goal is to align your intentions with your attention. If you want a relationship but fear being alone or losing your independence; if desire to create abundance but fear poverty, then your attention is split between two opposing feelings. Which do you think is stronger fear or hope? This month you will find yourself directing the beginning of a new project. As the momentum builds, pace yourself and be direct in your dealings with others. You have an air of confidence this month that can be quite attractive – use it wisely.

Images from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple & Ralph Geroni with Stacey Graham published by Quirk Books.



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Devil (Page of Cups) 

Those vague emotional stirrings are more than a mood this month. Beneath the sometimes turbulent surface of the ego lies the serene emotional depths of the unconscious. It is not until the emotions begin rising to the surface that they are subject to the changing currents of feelings. These feelings prompt you to react in all sorts of interesting ways, and in spite of not always knowing what brings about the stormy feelings, you likely react in predictable ways. Like the tides of the ocean change according to weather, your feelings change according to your moods. Remain still and experience the shifts, you’ll begin to uncover a predictable pattern, and become more in control of your reactions. Notice who you project the onto the most. You might be surprised to see it's the people closest to you.

Images from the Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson illustrated by Anne Stokes and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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High Priestess (4 of Swords) 

You are naturally an intuitive person, motivated by your feelings and moods; however, sometimes your perception is too easily polluted by your insecurities. Because it is difficult to navigate the mysterious world of emotion, you may often ignore or discard your uncertain feelings. If your mind is agitated by distractions, you're unlikely to understand the subtle messages within. While it is your nature to absorb the energy around you, you must train your mind to be like a mirror and reflect what you sense. A still mind is receptive and immune to disturbances. You definitely need some down time this month. Relax, take a bath, meditate, cry whatever is needed to restore balance. For those dealing with an illness, the news is better than it sounds at first. Just be sure to give your body a break to fully recover. A relapse is possible if you're not mindful.  

Images from Kabbalistic Visions: The Marini-Scapini Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapini published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 



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Chariot (10 of Wands) 

Victory is earned not by conquering your environment but by conquering yourself. Pride has a powerful affect on your desires that when reigned in and channeled, can motivate even the most fearful individual. Conversely, it can also destroy everything in its path. A healthy ego is one that can confront its own faults and dare to admit its weaknesses. Your naturally strong character cannot always avoid extremes. You must practice being assertive not aggressive, courageous not reckless, passionate not indulgent. There is an art to being in control of yourself without being rigid and defensive. The sweet spot is in holding the tension between the two. In the area you feel most challenged, practice self-mastery - don't blame others for your feelings, treat others respectfully (no matter what) and be the best person you can be.

Images from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple & Ralph Geroni with Stacey Graham published by Quirk Books.



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Death (Ace of Wands) 

Oh the incredible possibilities that life contains. Every experience offers you the opportunity to grow and change. The more you put in, the more you get out. Clinging to what's familiar is only helpful for so long. Eventually you need to remove the training wheels and trust that what you've practiced will help you ride. Surely there will be accidents along the way but once you learn how to get back up, falling down isn't so bad. Seize the moments this month, don't take anything for granted. A life transforming experience will shake you out of whatever complacency you're in. Feel like something's missing? You won't after this month. Need more excitement? Here it comes. Fast and furious change is on the horizon. Hang on and enjoy the ride.

Images from the Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson illustrated by Anne Stokes and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Magician (Queen of Wands) 

Confidence is being in love with yourself: appreciating your talents, praising your accomplishments, forgiving your failures, nurturing your soul, and laughing at your pride. This is the kind of acceptance doesn't make you better than others because there is no need to compare yourself. If you truly believe you are the coolest, kindest, smartest person you can be, then you inspire others to accept their greatness as well. Live from your heart this month and don't worry about what others think. Each person's opinion is their business, why make it yours? How you decide to show up in the world says volumes about how you regard yourself.  Are you living up to your fullest potential? What would make your life even more of joyful? In your darkest hours life can still be an expression of your heart. This is your time to shine.

Images from Kabbalistic Visions: The Marini-Scapini Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapini published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 



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Hierophant (9 of Cups) 

What have you learned from your relationships? How to give in spite of not receiving, or how to love even when you're not loved in return? Did you learn to hide your feelings out of fear of being hurt, or how to control yourself so as to assure that someone will not take advantage of you? Maybe you learned that love involves pain and disappointment, that it's better be alone than risk being lonely with another. Sound depressing? Do you believe another person completes you, that love conquers all, that true love means unconditional love and ongoing passion? Sound realistic? Time to examine your beliefs about love and get to the root of what you truly value. It's highly possible that you're treating love with an uncompromising attitude. Past experience doesn't have to dictate the present, but you need to see through the illusions of your old thinking.

Images from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple & Ralph Geroni with Stacey Graham published by Quirk Books.



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Fool (3 of Cups) 

Who wears their heart on their sleeve? You do! (Unless you've got some Scorpio in you.) You have the openness of a child, a naiveté  of the heart, a free-spirit that enjoys the adventure of life. Can this get you in trouble at times? Yes but who cares, right? Fun is the goal. Ok now, let's come back to reality. While this attitude is certainly better than hiding in a closet waiting for Armageddon, there is value to grounding yourself the mundane world, too. This month will introduce the temptation to leap into that cherished adventure, however, much to your chagrin, impulsivity will deliver some big consequences. Count to ten and weigh your options because in this case, there's still an exciting offer around the corner. Door number one or door number two? It's a gamble for sure, yet it's the difference between instant gratification and a longer lasting fulfillment.   

Images from the Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson illustrated by Anne Stokes and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.



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Justice (4 of Wands) 

Personal fulfillment is often misunderstood as something that is conditional. "Someday when I have...or when I am..." Life passes before you, and someday comes and goes like the moon. Fulfillment is a state of being, not having or doing. You must prepare for it by balancing your perception of success. Adopting a state of equanimity helps maintain this balance. The experiences you value bring you pleasure - you move toward them, try to replicate them, hold onto them. The problem is that when they're gone or no longer fulfilling, you feel empty or indifferent. It's better to relish in the emotion of the experience, then let it go and notice how it has changed you. If happiness is what you seek, then happiness is the path you must follow. You can't expect to find something that is not already a part of you. You attract what, and who you are. Might be time for some attitude adjustments.

Images from Kabbalistic Visions: The Marini-Scapini Tarot by Marco Marini and Luigi Scapini published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 



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Moon (2 of Cups) 

Have you ever really considered how much influence others have on your mood? Like the tides of the ocean are affected by the gravitational pull of the moon, people too produce their own gravitational pull. Relationships are little solar systems, rotating and relating to one another according to particular patterns. When something unpredictable occurs, the system is disrupted often spinning out of control. You’ll experience this kind of uncertainty this month in one of your relationships. Although the gravity of your emotions may pull you down into a dark and mysterious place, rather than resist the turbulence of dark space, be still and float through your own doubts. Don’t be alarmed if someone close to you is also going through dark space. Each person must find their own balance before they can support one another. Stay centered and don't be swept away by others moods. Be good to yourself first.

Images from the Zombie Tarot by Paul Kepple & Ralph Geroni with Stacey Graham published by Quirk Books.



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Hanged Man (6 of Cups) 

Sacrifice is a part of life, as is loss and the experience of suffering. While these aspects are not glamorous, they are necessary for enlightenment, or in your case, a radical paradigm shift. Your perception is colored by so much of your past experience that until you willingly let go of what you consider to be truth, you can only see a small part of a huge world. Through confronting something or someone from your past, you will have the opportunity to release yourself from some old baggage, or at least release yourself from regressive behaviors. Why hold on to the past at the expense of freedom available in the present? Similarly, let go of your fantasies if they’re causing you pain. You can’t make up for what you’ve lost, but you can manifest your present dreams by cleaning up the residue of the past.

Images from the Necronomicon Tarot by Donald Tyson illustrated by Anne Stokes and published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - © 2014 Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com