
October TarotScopes
By Lalia Wilson

Welcome October! This is one of the best times of the climatological year. Astrologically it is mostly positive. Mercury goes retrograde on Halloween (10/31) until November 20th

All cards were randomized before these drawings with four decks being used. Only one card was repeated this month, the Eight of Swords. You may want to look at the two depictions of this card below. The Eight of Swords is about us being trapped by our minds when there is a clear path to freedom. How might this dilemma be happening in your life at this time? What new perception will free you from the trap you think you are occupying? In addition to this one card being repeated, using my system for translating the cards into an astrological reading, the eighth house of intense emotional experiences, life & death, strong sexual connection, psychism and mediumship is directly activated for about half of the 12 signs. It’s remarkable.  It looks like an intense month.

The Fire signs are depicted by The Twisted Tarot Tales (2016) by Christine Aguilar and James Battersby, available at  http://www.jamesbattersby.co.uk/store/p101/Twisted_Tarot_Tales.html . The Earth signs are shown by the Halloween Tarot (1996) by Karin Lee, art by Kipling West, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The Air signs are represented using the Everyday Witch Tarot (2017) by Deborah Blake and Elizabeth Alba, published by Llewellyn. Water Signs are shown by the Witches Tarot (2012) by Ellen Dugan and Mark Evans and published by Llewellyn. I choose various decks to illustrate each month’s drawings so as to show the versatility and variety of tarot, to emphasize a particular season or sign, and because some are my favorites. For October, with Halloween as the last day of the month, I went with four “sorta” spooky decks. The spooky theme is very popular for tarot decks. 


Aries Twisted Tarot Tales Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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The High Priestess and the Five of Swords: 

Dear Aries, you are alternating between feeling calm and confident, and having a confrontation with a significant other. The fight business is not going to be as much of a big deal as you anticipate. The other party is eager to reconcile, just let them save face. You will benefit by paying attention to your earnings this month. Check your pay stub. Make sure that some electronic error has not occurred.


Taurus Halloween Tarot Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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Temperance and the Knight of Imps (Wands):

Dear Taurus, You want to rush into something this month, something that does not need your anger or passion. It may be a big nothing. In the meantime, any joint financial endeavors are favored, as is receiving a loan or an inheritance. Your sex life looks plentiful. Remember to be moderate, the lesson of Temperance.



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The Devil and the Eight of Swords:

Gemini, you have a tendency to overthink your life. This month that tendency works against you. You may find yourself contemplating worst case scenarios all month. Stop! Avoid over-doing the horror videos or books. On the bright side, your creative and sexual life looks good, though intense. 



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The Fool and the Page of Swords:

Dear Cancer, a new friend or an unusual friend is changing your social life completely. You had wanted a change, but what a change this is. If you haven’t yet made changes, you have the green light to proceed. You have a once-in-two-years opportunity to make big changes in your residence. The green light for home renovations extends into November. Your aesthetic sense is completely on target. A son may be moving home or moving away.


Leo Twisted Tarot Tales Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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The Star and the Nine of Cups:

Dear Leo, you are focused on your partner, but there’s nothing going on there. At home you have been doing some minor redecorating. Adding items to enhance your leisure activities, such as a wine cooler and a sexier ambiance in your bedroom. Your psychic senses are getting better as long as you stay away from intoxicants. Look to your future and avoid overindulging in alcohol or recreational drugs.


Virgo Halloween Tarot Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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The Hanged Man and the Seven of Imps (Wands): 

Dear Virgo, if you are going to renovate, redecorate or buy a new home, this fall is the time. Be sure to sign any papers before 10/31 or after 11/20 as Mercury is retrograde during that time. Your life partner is more alluring than ever. They mesmerize you with their beauty and manner. If you are unpartnered, you can find yourself swept off your feet. Love will not require you to fight for it. Love will come to you.



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The Wheel of Fortune and the Three of Pentacles:

Dear Libra, quick trips, workshops, and family-related travel lure you away from home this month. A change of scenery will brighten your mood and give you strength to move forward. A work project at your home is proceeding well. You have some focus on intense emotional events, perhaps a new lover. This will be a time for you to explore intense feelings. The Wheel indicates changes. What goes more smoothly will eventually change. 



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The Lovers and the Ten of Swords:

Dear Scorpio, You have your daytime attention on joint finances and your sex life, both of which are rather ordinary at this time. The real action is in your sleeping life. You are battling the forces of evil and meeting your lovers night after night. Get plenty of sleep! Take note, as you are able, of all your dreams. All will be revealed after November 20th.


Sagittarius Twisted Tarot Tales Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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Death and the Six of Wands:

Dear Sagittarius, things look busy and good. Your secret love life is keeping you amused. You are full of energy and positive regard for the world. Your personal income is moving up. Back to the secret love life, take care so that if all becomes revealed (as it will someday) you are protected and seen in a positive light.


Capricorn Halloween Tarot Oct 2019 20190915 0001

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Strength and the King of Ghosts (Cups): 

Dear Capricorn, pay attention to your intuition. You are intuitive and even mediumistic, but you will need to heed your impressions. Young people, marriageable daughters, and the Halloween season combine to make your social life active in atypical fashion. Your natural flexibility is limited, so you are going to have to work at being flexible to make October be positive for you.



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Justice and the Ten of Pentacles:

Dear Aquarius, it’s a good month for long-distance travel, study, and foreign affairs. In your home any redesign or renovations will go well. Be especially attentive to electronics being updated—it is time! You have been in dream-school for years. Continue to pay attention to your dreams. This is one school you do not want to flunk.



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The Moon and the Eight of Swords:

Dear Pisces, you are feeling comfortable with yourself as if you hadn’t known who you were but have discovered yourself. This is a long-term positive period as long as you avoid intoxicants. Drugs and alcohol will not make your life better. Female neighbors, siblings and cousins are positive in your life now. Ask them for help if you need it. Your intuition is on target. Your sex life is all you want it to be.


You can use these Tarot Scopes to read your Sun sign, Moon sign or Rising Sign (also called your Ascendant). You can determine these by using free or low cost apps, or internet sites, and inputting your time, date and place of birth. The Rising sign indicates your entire life; the Sun sign is about your ego and creative forces, and the Moon sign is about your reigning needs, emotions, and flexibility.

The tarot cards used as illustrations for this column are ones that I or the editor, Terri Clement, admire and want to share with you. Note that decks have subtle differences of meaning as they are reinterpreted by a new creator/artist, and, of course, the tarot reader. Enjoy that flexibility of meaning and the artwork of these various decks. Reading articles with illustrations like these will help you determine the tarot decks that most fit you. If you get bored seeing my favorites, I’m open to suggestions and gifts.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. All images are used with permission. Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - 2018  Questions? Comments? Contact us at ATAsTarotReflections@gmail.com