November 2012 Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta



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Devil (Page of Wands) 

“Oh the tangled webs we weave when at first we learn to deceive.” An innocent curiosity has gotten you into some deep water – can you handle it? You’re in a precarious place this month, and it would be wise to be honest with yourself. Something or someone you are attached to is no longer a positive influence, and, although you think you are in control, an addiction is developing. The deeper you go, the darker it will become, and the harder it will be to find the truth. Skeletons may fall out of your closet around the 12th.

Images from the Pythias Sacred Geometry Tarot created by Katenia Keller.



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Star (Ace of Pentacles) 

Faith is often misunderstood as blind trust in some unseen, omnipotent force. Wishful thinking motivated by longing or worry is complacency at best. Having confidence in yourself and an understanding of how to apply your energy is faith that is founded upon self-assurance. Keep your intention focused this month and you will be amazed at what you manifest. This is no time to be passive. You must channel your energy in a deliberate fashion. The last weekend of the month is an intense one; doubts may creep closer to the surface, but you have the power to put them to rest.

Images from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Emperor (7 of Wands) 

Power struggles are a natural part of life and are designed to teach you about your own capabilities. You will come up against a formidable opponent this month. The problem is that this opponent is invisible. Like a warrior who fights for a cause, it is your duty to defend the honor of your convictions. If you assert yourself for the sake of power, you will lose; you must approach this challenge with personal integrity and directness. The strength of your character will be measured by how you handle yourself. The weekend of the 10th begins your test of personal power. 

Images from the Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and published by North Atlantic Books.



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Lovers (10 of Cups) 

An emotional situation has you rethinking your options. Your current path presents a fork in the road at which you must choose one thing and lose another. However, the decision is not as important as the motivation behind it; your values are put on display when you choose one thing over another, just like your relationships mirror your relationship with yourself. The beginning of the month contains seeds of temptation. Take time deciding what you want to grow, if anything, from them, and keep in mind that your choices affect those closest to you. 

Images from the Wildwood Tarot: Wherein the Wisdom Resides by Mark Ryan, John Matthews, and Will Worthington published by Sterling Ethos.



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Wheel of Fortune (3 of Swords) 

A twist of fate lands you face to face with an uncomfortable reality; be prepared to make changes to your plans. As complicated as your situation may seem, try not to stray too far from the original goal. The disruption can actually pave the road for new opportunities. Refrain from pessimistic thinking and be careful what you wish for! The full moon on the 28th will illuminate what needs to be utilized and what needs to be set aside. Be careful, also, about where you put your energy – once this ball gets rolling, there’s no stopping it.

Images from the Cat's Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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World (Queen of Pentacles) 

Don’t believe everything you hear and keep your opinions to a minimum. The outcome of a current situation can easily become undermined if you listen to overly eager people, including yourself. There may be a tendency to say or do more than is necessary, so it would be better to be patient and hold your tongue at this time. And before making rash decisions about money, ask the advice of someone you trust. The 7th may be a day of controversy, so take extra precautions to avoid getting caught up in other people’s problems, especially those of family members.

Images from the Universal Waite Tarot published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Empress (King of Cups) 

The quality of your relationships is in question this month. It’s time to examine which ones are rooted in mutual respect and emotional generosity, and which are based on codependency and fear. To love someone is to trust and accept them while honoring your own needs. Your tendency to give is becoming a little controlling; there are hidden expectations thwarting you true expression of emotion. You may need to stop playing counselor or mother in order to relate authentically. The first week of the month is a great time to open up about your feelings with that special someone.

Images from the Pythias Sacred Geometry Tarot created by Katenia Keller.



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Justice (Knight of Pentacles) 

A quandary arises this month that causes you to reconsider how you interpret right and wrong. If you’re more apt to condemn someone else’s behavior and excuse your own, you’re looking for trouble. Take responsibility for your circumstances and look at how you play a part in their cause. Claiming a moral stance can be an excuse to not accept responsibility. A financially draining commitment may need to be reviewed. Let go of stubborn feelings of obligation and do what’s right for you. Though it may come through conflict, the 22nd will offer you the freedom you desire. 

Images from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Fool (3 of Wands) 

Before signing your power away, check the contract thoroughly, both literally and metaphorically. Smooth talkers come in every form, even as your own inner voice. You will be presented with an opportunity that’s “too good to be true.” The problem is, it may not be. The urge to leap into unknown territories will have severe consequences at this time. It would be better to channel that energy into pursuing a new interest or hobby. This restless feeling should diminish by the end of the month, so hang in there and hang on to your money.  

Images from the Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and published by North Atlantic Books.



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Sun (4 of Cups) 

A life-changing event will allow you to pursue the next level of your goal. In relationship, this can mean a reunion or separation. Saying hello or goodbye has a profound effect on the momentum of your life. This period also provides an opportunity to reconcile old wounds, let go of past regrets and forgive the deeds that once offended you. Ambivalence could be obstructing the flow of future gain, so seek answers from within and be honest with others. Responsibilities increase rapidly around the 7th, so be sure to ask for any help you may need.

Images from the Wildwood Tarot: Wherein the Wisdom Resides by Mark Ryan, John Matthews, and Will Worthington published by Sterling Ethos.



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Moon (6 of Swords) 

Buckle up, because you’re in for an emotional roller-coaster ride. What begins as something cheerful may quickly become quite the opposite. Tolerance is needed to manage this journey, particularly when it comes to your feelings. Reacting impulsively will only deepen the chasm between you and others. Try looking at the situation from another perspective before settling into an opinion. If you really want to hear the truth, be prepared for the consequences. Trips planned around the 24th may land you in places you weren’t expecting, which might be exciting if you can stand the ambiguity.

Images from the Cat's Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin and published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.



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Temperance (2 of Pentacles) 

Adaptability may be your forte, but this month it could also be your downfall. You’ve got too many balls in the air right now, and are likely to run out of energy, so a redistribution of priorities is necessary. Be honest about what matters most to you, and why. Having too many obligations is stifling the fun and could be the cause of your relationship problems. Find a middle ground on which to reestablish your personal and professional affairs. The weekend of the 16th is a great time to take a gamble with someone or something.

Images from the Universal Waite Tarot published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

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