By Terri C.
Featuring Amy Brown's Faery Wisdom Deck
Here is to hoping that everyone in the U.S. had a wonderful Labor Day holiday. I enjoyed time with family and a movie marathon!
This month many of us will be celebrating the Fall Equinox or Mabon. This is the celebration of the final harvest. This is the time of year to reap what has been sown. In ancient time, this was crucial, as a good harvest would be necessary in order to survive the coming winter. This is a time to gather with friends and relatives, feasting and sharing the bounty. Day and night are of equal time.
This is also a heightened time of Faerie energy. You may be noticing little sparks of light or movement out of the corner of your eye. You may experience more and more of this as we approach Halloween, as the veil is becoming thinner and thinner.
As we work our way through this month, meditation or visualization may be the ticket. Focus on calmness and peace, both for yourself personally and for our planet as a whole. Through calmness comes a closer connection to Spirit. Focus on one-ness, we are all truly connected.
The Fae also want to gently remind you that you don’t have to rescue every one all of the time. Allow others to find their inner strength. If you are constantly bailing someone out, it doesn’t offer them the opportunity to grow or stretch. Know that all challenges have their own solution. If you find yourself facing difficulty this month, remember there is nothing you can’t handle.
It’s important to remember, what is truly important. Try not to spend too much time focusing on material “stuff.” Happiness does not come from things, it comes from within. Be gentle with yourself and others this month. Soften your heart without rescuing others.
This may be a time where you find yourself seeking answers, pondering “what’s next?” You may wonder if you are on the right path. When you find yourself here, it’s important to release any doubts that you are holding on to. Those doubts are doing nothing but holding you back. Let them go and BELIEVE in yourself. Believe in realms that you cannot see, your higher power, Spirit, God. They believe in you!
For those of you with children, especially those heading off to school, it’s a good time to talk with them about respecting others. Especially, those that might look differently from them, or that might have different belief systems, etc. Take some time and really talk about “labels” and how we are all connected. Also, be sure that you and your children are not labeling yourselves. This is very limiting. We are all vibrant wonderful beings! That is the message we need to be sending!
Look at different ways of expanding your income this month. Then put those thoughts and ideas into motion. It might just be time to start that home-based business! Maybe it’s as simple as de-cluttering and having a yard sale.
As always, I hope you find that this message from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month!! Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!
See you again, next month and keep the faith!